
About Us

Axiom Private Tutoring offers tutoring lessons in a wide variety of subjects including English, Afrikaans, Accounting, Chemistry, Mathematics and Mathematics Literacy.

In addition, the iLearn mobile application (iLearn) is available to encourage learners to spend more time practising their work, anytime, anywhere. The app can be freely downloaded on Google Play.

Why choose us?

Axiom Private Tutoring offers private one on one lessons as well as small group tutoring sessions, which could be offered as an after school option to parents and schools. Our tutoring works concurrently with students' syllabus and content, to ensure that students master and address their immediate concerns and topics from their daily school work. We provide mentoring and motivation for students by creating a vision and academic plan for students, where necessary. Our tutors are sourced from the best universities around Johannesburg are ranked high in their respective studies, ensuring that students receive the best tutors. We tutor all school subjects at Axiom, so there is a tutor for your every need and every grade. We focus on increasing the overall percentage of a student's school marks and that in turn allows for the parent to focus on other aspects of their relationship with their child. Students who perform well academically influence their peers and school positively. Tutoring unlocks academic excellence which creates opportunities for bursaries and better career advancement prospects.

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Should you have any queries or comments do not hesitate to contact us.